Tag Archives: III

“You also have to know what to do after the settlement.”

“Placing your money in the stock market can be a risky bet these days. 

[A structured settlement] can be a really important tool to consider when you’re looking at the long term.”

Posted on March 4, 2013 at the NSSTA blog:  www.nssta.com/blog

That’s Virginia trial attorney Jesse Suit, III speaking in a recent video his law firm uploaded to YouTube.  A partner at the Kalfus & Nachtman law firm in Norfolk, Virginia, Suit explains multiple reasons he recommends that his clients look at a structured settlement.

In addition to the clear-cut tax benefits (all structured settlement income is exempt from federal and state taxation), he cites the ability to tailor payments to meet each client’s specific need regardless of whether that involves monthly, quarterly or even yearly payments.

Suit is a member of the Louisiana and Virginia State Bars and the Admiralty Section of the Association for Justice. In addition to his litigation practice at Kalfus & Nachtman, he frequently lectures on maritime and evidentiary issues.

In the video, Suit also shares the story of a former client who used a structured settlement to fund his young children’s college educations.

“Not only is it important to win your case and get a settlement,” he says, “You also have to know what to do after the settlement.”